sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

¿Cambios en el guión de Luna Nueva?

So Life & Style reveals a few spoilers for the upcoming and intensely anticipated New Moon, and it seems there will be some vast differences between the book and the film.

Apparently, Bella takes a more daredevil approach in the film, pushing fate in order to make Edward appear to her.

Filmmakers couldn’t resist Robert Pattinson’s draw, and instead of coming to Bell as a disembodied voice, he appears like an apparition…or like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. To which Pattinson expresses some concern, saying, “I really wanted it to be a complete absence. It’s easier to give it more power at the end if I’m completely absent.”

There’s also an action-packed scene wherein Laurent fights back against the werewolves who destroy him in the book.

Additionally, in the book Edward says he will turn Bella into a vampire only if they marry. In the movie, however, he offers a different ultimatum.

How will the Twilighters react? That’s almost more exciting than the movie!

A grandes rasgos, dice que Edward estará más presente y que esto no le gusta a RPattz.
Habla también del ultimatum de si te casas conmigo... que en la película terminará con un te convierto en vampira.

Sera un ultimatum diferente al del libro, que en el libro hay el ultimatum de te convierto en vampira si te casas conmigo, en la entrevista sera distinto osea que hay un ultimatum diferente.

1 comentario:

  1. A ver qué pasa en la película, esperaremos a ver en qué difiere ese ultimátum respecto al de la novela.
